July 5, 2016


Current Elected Leadership

Chairperson (2023-2025)
Qi Wang, Ph.D.
Cornell University, Ithaca
QingChairperson-Elect (2025-2027)
Qing Zhou, Ph.D.
UC Berkeley, Berkeley
Treasurer (2019-2025)
Yan Li, Ph.D.
DePaul University, Chicago
Secretary (2021-2025)
Stephen Chen, Ph.D.
Wellesley College, Wellesley
Student/Early Career Representative (2021-2025)
Miao Qian, Ph.D.
University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit

Student/Early Career Representative (2021-2025)
Ekjyot Saini, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow at Penn State University

The Outreach and Communications Subcommittee (OCS)

Committee charge: To develop and disseminate AC-relevant training and communications; Coordinate with tri-caucus to webinar offerings, manage spotlights, and assist social media outlets and post to the listserv (currently managed by Ekjyot and Miao).

Dr. Angela Chow, chowa@indiana.edu, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Health Science at Indiana University, Bloomington

Other members:

Dr. Jacqueline Nguyen, Assistant professor in the Learning & Development program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,  Wisconsin

Dr. Yang Qu,  Assistant Professor of Human Development and Social Policy at Northwestern University

Yannan Gao, Ph.D. Student at University of California, Irvine

Shuhan Yuan, Ph.D. student at Indiana University Bloomington

The Award Subcommittee

Committee charge: Distribute a call for nominations for AC awards (Lifetime achievement award, early career award, outstanding contribution to research award, outstanding service award, outstanding graduate student research award) during early fall before the biennial, review applications, select and notify awardees by late fall

Dr. Yang Hou, yang.hou@uky.edu, Chair, Assistant professor in the Department of Family Sciences at the University of Kentucky

Other members:

Dr. Stephen Chen, Associate Professor of Psychology at Wellesley College, Massachusettes

Dr. Xin Feng, Professor in the Department of Human Sciences at the Ohio State University

Dr. Miwa Yasui, Associate Professor of Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice at the University of Chicago

Finance and Fundraising Subcommittee

Committee charge: To manage and expand fundraising efforts and oversee the distribution of funds; Develop and execute fundraising initiatives

Dr. Yan Li, Chair, yli34@depaul.edu, Associate Professor of Psychology at DePaul University, Chicago

Other members:

Dr. Chenyi Zhang, Associate Professor of Psychology at Georgia State University, Georgia

Dr. Yunyi Long, Researcher, and instructor in Psychological Science at DePaul University, Chicago

Membership Subcommittee

Committee charge:

To promote the growth of AC membership; Develop promotional materials, and periodic membership surveys to assess how well AC is meeting member needs

Dr. Miao Qian, Co-Chair, qianmi@udmercy.edu, Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Detroit Mercy, Michigan

Dr. Ekjyot Saini, Co-Chair, Doctoral Student at Auburn University, Auburn

Other members:

Dr. Tzu-Fen Chang, Assistant Professor at California State University, Bakersfield

Cindy Huang, Doctoral student at Teachers College at Columbia University

Mentorship Subcommittee

Committee charge: To provide mentorship opportunities and experiences; develop mentorship programs and initiatives for graduate students and early career members of AC.

Dr. Jeffrey Liew, Chair, jeffrey.liew@tamu.edu, Professor of Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University

Other members:

Dr. Qiong (Joanna) Wu, Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Development and Family Science at Florida State University

Dr. Annabelle Atkin, Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Purdue University

Dr. Aubrey Wang, Professor of Educational Leadership, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia

Dr. Daniel Ewon Choe, Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at UC Davis

Dr. Linda Juang, Professor of Psychology at University of Potsdam, Germany

Nominations Subcommittee

Committee charge: To identify scholars to be nominated for awards and leadership positions. Coordinate with tri-caucus, ERI, and other SRCD committees to respond to requests to provide names of scholars from AC for various initiatives to ensure representation of Asian/ Asian American scholars; Develop a systematic process (e.g., a creation of a database) that allows a fair and equitable representation of scholars from AC

Dr. Jackie Eunjung Relyea, Chair, jrelyea@ncsu.edu, Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at NC State University, North Carolina

Other members:

Dr. Yijie Wang, Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Michigan State University

Dr. Sunah Hyun, Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Dr. Jie Zhang, Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Houston

Dr. Xinyin Chen, Professor at the Human Development and Quantitative Methods Division at the University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Virginia Huynh, Professor of Psychology at California State University, Northridge

Publications and Scientific Programming Subcommittee

Committee charge: Coordinate with tri-caucus and other SRCD committees in organizing special issues, consider AC special issues in peer-reviewed journals; Coordinate activities (i.e., submission of symposia) with tri-caucus, ERI, E&J regarding programming at SRCD biennial, SRA, and other special topics conferences

Dr. Qing Zhou, Chair, qingzhou@berkeley.edu, Professor of Psychology at University of California, Berkeley

Other members:

Dr.  Florrie Ng, Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Xuan Li, Assistant Professor of Psychology, NUY Shanghai

Social Policy Subcommittee

Committee charge: To oversee AC policy-related matters and coordinate with tri-caucus; Identify AC members with policy-relevant expertise, help prepare statements or policy briefs about relevant research impacting Asian and Asian American children

Dr. Tomoko Wakabayashi, Chair, twakabayashi@oakland.edu, Associate Professor at Oakland University, Michigan

Other members:

Dr. Kaveri Subrahmanyam, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Fl.

Puja Patel, Ph.D. student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Dr. Gabrielle Lai, Lecturer, Centre for Applied Behavioural & Social Sciences, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

Dr. Sunah Hyun, Senior Researcher at Tufts University and Research Fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Dr. Tzu-Fen Chang, Assistant Professor at California State University, Bakersfield

International Scholars Network Subcommittee

Committee charge: To promote engagement among AC members outside of the USA; Identify research and conference interests of AC members in the respective regions to facilitate international interactions and collaborations among members

Dr. Yishan Shen, Chair, y_s77@txstate.edu, Assistant Professor at the Texas State University

Other members:

Dr. Eva Chen, Associate Professor at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Dr. Jessie Koh, Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Tomoko Wakabayashi, Associate Professor of Psychology at Oakland University, Michigan

Dr. Hoi Shan Cheung, Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Division of Social Sciences at Yale-NUS College

Yuan Zhang, PhD student at University of Connecticut

Past Elected Leadership



(2019-2021): Yoonsun Choi, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, Chicago

(2017-2019): Richard M Lee, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
(2015-2017): Charissa S. L. Cheah, Ph.D., University of Maryland
(2013-2015): Hiro Yoshikawa, Ph.D., New York University
(2011-2013): Vivian Tseng, Ph.D., William T. Grant Foundation
(2010): Ramaswami Mahalingam, Ph.D., University of Michigan
(2008-2009): Suniya Luthar, Ph.D., Columbia University


(2015-2019): Virginia Huynh, Ph.D., California State University, Northridge
(2010-2015): Rashmita Mistry, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
(2008-2010): Qi Wang, Ph.D., Cornell University


(2013-2017): Lisa Kiang, Ph.D., Wake Forest University
(2008-2013): Tiffany Yip, Ph.D., Fordham University

Student Representative

(2013-2017): Yijie Wang, Ph.D., Michigan State University
(2010-2013): Daniel Choe, Ph.D., University of Michigan
(2008-2010): Mae Ho, Ph.D., University of California, Riverside



  • Provides leadership for the Asian Caucus
  • Coordinates and facilitates Steering Committee and general membership meetings
  • Takes the lead on external leadership issues: is the principal liaison between the Asian Caucus and other Caucuses and external bodies, or designates person(s) to act in this capacity in consultation with the Steering Committee


  • Coordinates and facilitates Steering Committee meetings, in the absence of the Chair
  • Takes the lead on internal leadership issues
  • Coordinates SRCD preconference events
  • Chairs the Nominations Committee
  • Two years after being elected to office, assumes the Chair position at the close of the SRCD Biennial Meeting


  • Oversees Caucus finances including holding custody of and dispensing Caucus funds
  • Records, reports, and archives records of Caucus income and expenditures
  • Provides at minimum annual budget reports and proposed next-year budgets to the Steering Committee
  • Maintains membership records
  • Provides annual reports to the steering committee about the membership
  • Takes the lead on membership drives and external fundraising, including providing reports to the steering committee about funding opportunities
  • When the term ends, passes archive of financial records to the next Treasurer


  • Records, reports, and archives the transactions of the Steering Committee and Caucus activities. This includes recording minutes at Caucus Steering and general membership meetings, reporting minutes after the meetings, and archiving them.
  • Provides annual reports to the membership on the Steering Committee and Caucus activities
  • Takes the lead on Caucus communications, including those between Caucus members, Steering Committee and Caucus members, and the Caucus and external bodies
  • Is responsible for the listserv and website
  • Archives the Caucus Policies and Procedures Manual, reports, communications, and dissemination materials
  • When the term ends, pass the archive of documents to the next Secretary

Student Representative

  • At the time of the election, the student representative must be engaged at least half-time in undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral training, including internship and residency. The student representative will continue their term regardless of changes in student status.
  • Represents student interests on the Steering Committee and provides leadership on those issues
  • Takes the lead in coordinating career development and mentoring activities for students and other early career researchers